Software Fundamentals [High school]
Understanding computers, internet and focus on programming logic(8hrs)
Service Description
In this course, students learn about the internals of computers and the internet. Peeling off the layers and looking at how operating systems make computers work, how all systems and peripherals interact with each other, what are processes, applications and how programming languages are used to created apps that they spend so much time with. We also delve deeper into the internet, what happens when you play a game or access a website and most importantly how the world connects! The breakthrough however comes when we break down programming logic in a very intuitive and simple way which helps the students to develop their problem solving skills. This is the first step toward a fundamental understanding of a technical world. This step opens many door of opportunities for them as now they can attempt to understand more complex concepts. Even more importantly it demystifies computers and technology. Internals of computers - Operating Systems - Processes - Real time execution environments - Applications - Programming Languages Different development platforms such as Mobile, desktop, embedded systems Internals of internet - Networking and internet - Cloud - Client/Server Architecture Introduction to Programming, logical thinking and problem solving Basic Python 1. Data types 2. Types and casting of variables 3. Conditional statements 4. Loops 5. Input/output data 6. Functions and working of functions (stack, memory etc)
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